August 5, 2020

3 Effective Productivity Hacks That You’ve Probably Never Heard Before | Ep. #19


Have you spent endless hours scouring the Internet looking for productivity tips and tricks? Maybe you feel like you’ve tried everything, but you still need a little something more. If that’s you, stick around. We’re sharing three little known productivity hacks that will make a huge difference in your work performance.




[00:51] A Fresh Perspective on Productivity Hacks
[02:37] Leverage Your Natural Patterns for Better Productivity
[06:04] Use Music to Boost Your Productivity
[11:58] Get Dressed to Shoes to Be More Productive
[16:50] Final Thoughts About Effective Productivity Hacks
[18:12] Bloopers


Music and Productivity Statistics Infographic

A Fresh Perspective on Productivity Hacks

[Theresa] Hey Meghan. You know, you can find tons of information on the web-o-sphere on the subject of productivity. You could get lost for days researching the topic.

What you’ll most likely find are multiple blog posts and videos that share the same old productivity hacks. That’s not a dig, however. Those productivity tactics work.

[Meghan] They do work, which is why we’ve mentioned some of them before on this podcast. But wouldn’t it be awesome if Theresa shared a few fresh, unique productivity tips with you? Something you may not have heard before. Who’s on board for that? I know I am!

[Theresa] Well, I’m happy to hear that Meghan! I’m excited to share these little known productivity tricks with you today. I created these tactics for myself, mostly organically over my 30+ year entrepreneurial journey.

I actually do these things, and they make a huge difference. They’ll help your work output, and they’re helpful for life, too.

[Meghan] Okay, these hacks sound like they’re gonna be good! I can’t wait to hear them. Let’s get started.

3 Uncommon Productivity Hacks

Leverage Your Natural Patterns for Better Productivity

[Theresa] You got it! Productivity hack #1 is to leverage your natural patterns.

Ok, I’ll fess up. If you listened to Episode 15, then you’ve heard us discuss the importance of planning work around your best times of the day.

[Meghan] That’s right. We did discuss planning your day, and I think we briefly touched on maximizing your productivity by working during your best time of the day. It wasn’t the focus of the episode, but that’s such a good tip. You don’t come across that suggestion too frequently in a Google search.

[Theresa] No. It’s a pretty uncommon productivity hack, but it’s highly effective. Once you start working this way, it makes many things easier. Let me share a story that demonstrates my point.

For years, I worked as a professional craft designer in the Craft and Hobby industry. I wore many different hats during that time. Not only was I producing physical art, but I had admin, marketing, accounting, content creation, client work, and more.

All of those activities required different types and amounts of effort and energy. I began to notice that I struggled to do certain things at certain times of the day.

For example, I noticed that if I tried to produce artwork in the morning, I struggled significantly. I wasn’t as creative, choices were harder to make and it was difficult to problem-solve. However, that same activity in the evening was much easier and more enjoyable.

If I forced myself to make art in the morning, it took more time, it caused me stress, and I usually ended up with an unfinished project. But when I did artwork in the evening, I finished it, which provided a sense of accomplishment and pride in my work. Plus, it took far less time.

[Meghan] Isn’t it funny how a simple thing like moving a task to a more productive time of the day makes all of the difference?

A simple thing like moving a task to a more productive time of the day makes a big difference in your work output.

[Theresa] Yep! Now, this happened organically for me. It was because I paid attention and became aware of it. Everything starts with awareness.

That one realization led me to understand that I could work however I wanted to work. I didn’t have to stick to a traditional 9-5 work model. Gurus who said I could only have success if I woke up at 5am could be ignored. And I didn’t have to “eat that frog” first thing in the morning.

Instead, I needed to first figure out when I did what best. Then, schedule those activities for times that best suited me.

[bctt tweet=”Pay attention to how you work. Figure out when you do what best. Then, schedule those activities for times that best suit you.” username=”@TheresaCifali”]

[Meghan] That makes so much sense. I’m most creative in the morning, so that’s when I do my best thinking, writing, and content creation. It’s not that I can’t write later in the day. But any work I do after 2 pm takes me much longer to finish, and it’s not my best work.

Ok. What’s the next uncommon productivity hack?

Use Music to Boost Your Productivity

[Theresa] Productivity hack #2 is to use music to boost your productivity.

It’s been said that listening to Mozart can make you smarter. There are all sorts of arguments both for and against that statement. No matter what you believe though, this sentiment is true: Music is powerful!

Music can evoke emotions, help with memory recall, and even improve your mood. I’ve used music many times to get myself out of a funk. I call that a musical attitude adjustment.

But did you know that music can also improve your productivity?

[Meghan] Yes, I do know that music helps productivity. I actually wrote about this topic for a client, so I may know more about it than the average person. For me personally, I listen to to improve my focus. is a site where you can stream music that they’ve created specifically for productivity. Putting my headphones on and listening to has been a lifesaver since I now share an office with my husband thanks to the pandemic!

The music drowns out distracting noises, and it’s especially helpful in the afternoon when my productivity decreases.

[bctt tweet=”Use a site like to stream music that’s created specifically for productivity. The music drowns out distracting noises and helps keep you focused.” username=”@MeghanMonaghan1″]

[Theresa] I’m going to have to check that out! I’m always looking for ways to increase my focus.

There is so much research on this subject. We could spend days sifting through it without ever scratching the surface. If you want to take a peek at some cook stats, Webfx created an awesome infographic on the impact of music on workplace productivity. It’s interesting and worth taking a look. (podcast only: we’ll link it in the show notes)

No matter if your workplace is an office, a storefront, or your kitchen table, music can help boost your productivity.

No matter if your workplace is an office, a storefront, or your kitchen table, music can help boost your productivity.

According to research, listening to:

  • Pop music reduces mistakes by 14%
  • Classical music improves accuracy by 12%
  • Dance music improves proofreading speed by 20%

[Meghan] Yeah, the stats about music’s effect on productivity are eye-opening. It’s pretty incredible that listening to some tunes can really boost your accuracy, speed, and focus! I love music, so that’s an added bonus.

Now, music with lyrics is a different story, right?

[Theresa] That’s a great question. There’s no simple answer. It depends on the activity and on the music. It also depends on you and how you like to work.

Experiment and see what does and doesn’t work for you. You may find that you need absolute quiet for some tasks. Less-enjoyable tasks may be a little easier to complete with some good music in the background. The only way to know is to try.

There are some things to consider upfront though.

If you’re learning something new, music without lyrics is best. Any instrumental music would work but experiment with genres like classical or jazz.

[bctt tweet=”If you’re learning something new, listen to music without lyrics while you work. Any instrumental music will do, but try experimenting with genres like classical or jazz.” username=”@TheresaCifali”]

Try ambient music. That’s a style of music that lacks traditional musical structure or rhythm. It’s been shown to improve concentration and stimulate creativity.

However, if you’re going to play music with lyrics, try using pieces that are familiar. You’re less likely then to be distracted by the lyrics. Also, experiment with the volume level.

[Meghan] Music with lyrics is a big NO for me if I’m writing, reading, or learning. If I’m cleaning the house or doing repetitive tasks on my computer, then lyrics are good.

Music is really powerful. It can relax me, put me to sleep, amp me up, and lift my mood. Of course, when I’m in a good mood, I am more productive.

[Theresa] Your mood absolutely affects your productivity. If you’re in need of a musical attitude adjustment of your own or you just want to get pumped up prior to a task, play certain types of music before you get to work. I have different playlists that I use to get me in the right frame of mind.

Create different playlists that you can use to give yourself a little musical attitude adjustment.

If I’m about to tackle something difficult, I’ll play my favorite upbeat songs to boost my energy. When I’m feeling anxious or distracted, I have another playlist with music that calms and grounds me.

[Meghan] Oh yeah, using music as a precursor to a task is good advice. Music is really a great tool for changing your mood, increasing your energy, and staying productive. I love that tip! What’s the last hack?

Get Dressed to Shoes to Be More Productive

[Theresa] We’ve made it to productivity hack #3. I don’t believe you’ll have heard this one anywhere. The last hack I have for you today is to get dressed to shoes.

[Meghan] Ok, you’ll have to explain that one in detail for sure!

[Theresa] I can’t even take credit for this though I wish I could because it’s brilliant. This advice I heard many years ago. Back then, I was a young mother, struggling to figure out how to deal with two toddlers while keeping a house and running a business.

The Internet was new. It was much easier to find information because there wasn’t much of it. I found a website by a woman who shared tips and tricks for running an efficient household.

She shared advice. Shared practical stories. She provided checklists, shopping lists, and chore schedules. I’d never seen anything like it. I soaked everything up like a sponge.

The one tip that significantly impacted me and I practice to this day is to get dressed to shoes. It simply means getting fully dressed…with shoes on. I think the key is the shoes.

[Meghan] Oh, I love that! Some women claim it’s all about the lipstick. They aren’t ready for prime time until the lipstick is on. Okay, so why the shoes? Any particular theory behind the shoes?

[Theresa] I don’t know what it is. It just works. Working in your PJs and slippers is fun for a while, but the habit of getting dressed signals your brain that you’re getting ready for something important. Then, when the shoes go on, it somehow takes it to a whole other level.

I am 100% more productive when I am dressed to shoes. Why that is I couldn’t say, but I feel different and behave differently.

Recently, I shared this tip with a group of my networking colleagues. Many of them were working from home for the first time and struggling. A couple of weeks afterward, one of them told me this tip really worked for him and his wife. He said that once he was dressed to shoes his whole attitude changed. It was a night and day difference for him.

When working from home, getting fully dressed to shoes will change your whole attitude and increase your productivity.

[Meghan] Well, that’s really cool, isn’t it? You changed someone’s attitude and demeanor with that tip!

[Theresa] It was pretty cool! Don’t discount the small things. Something so small and simple can be transformative.

Do you get dressed to shoes, Meghan?

[Meghan] I don’t walk around in my bare feet or in my socks. So I suppose that technically I do dress to shoes. But those shoes are my Birkenstocks in the summer or my Uggs in the winter.

What’s funny is that used to be my rule for dressing when going out. The shoes make the outfit. They set the tone. So, I can see the mentality behind the “dress to shoes” concept. I really do love that!

Final Thoughts About Effective Productivity Hacks

[Theresa] We hope that you enjoyed these unusual but effective productivity hacks. Do you have any thoughts you’d like to add, Meghan?

[Meghan] You can make improvements to your work habits anytime. And, today’s a great day to try something new! Start with one change and see how it works for you.

[Theresa] Starting with one is sound advice. Don’t be afraid to experiment and change these tips to make them truly your own. It’s about doing it your way—even if that way is messy.

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About the author 

Theresa Cifali

Hi there! I’m a Productivity Strategist and Business Coach with over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience. I understand the struggles you face with being truly productive, managing your time, and feeling accomplished. That’s why my mission is to help you achieve your goals by teaching you how to identify the right actions to take in your business so you can have more happiness and prosperity.

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