June 28, 2023

Discovering Personal Core Values: The Unseen Guide to Your Small Business Success | Ep. #97


Have you ever heard the saying, ‘When you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life?’ But is passion enough? Many small business owners follow their passion, yet still struggle. What’s missing? The answer may lie within a deeper, often overlooked realm – your personal core values.

In this post, we’re diving into what personal core values are, why they are important to understand, and how to uncover yours.

A Personal Small Business Journey

[Theresa] So, let me start with a quick story. I began my career as a professional craft designer in late 1995 after the birth of my first child. It was incredible. I was happy, fulfilled, and was making good money for my effort.

Fast forward to 2010-2011 and everything had changed. I found myself working over 100 hours a week running two businesses. I was spinning my wheels and chasing money that just seemed to slip through my fingers.

The harder I tried, the less I had to show for it. I was making all the business mistakes and I was miserable. This led to burnout for me and other consequences for my family.

In the end, I left the industry altogether. When I did, I didn’t touch a craft for over two years!

[Meghan] Just as a reminder, Theresa has shared parts of her craft and hobby journey with us before. She’s shared how important it is to be clear on what you want life to look like so that you can then set the right goals.

[Theresa] And I fully stand by that belief. But recently, I became aware of something even more important. A critical step that should come before you set even one goal. And not many people are talking about it.

That step is understanding your personal core values.

What are Personal Core Values?

[Meghan] What are personal core values? Well, they are the fundamental beliefs or guiding principles that dictate your behavior and help you form perceptions about what’s important in life.

They’re deeply ingrained notions that shape your decisions, actions, and the goals you set for yourself. Personally, I use my core values to create the frameworks that I follow for living my life and running my business.

[Theresa] I love that. We all have values. These values might include principles like honesty, hard work, family, respect, responsibility, integrity, self-reliance, or any other ideals you deeply adhere to.

Your personal core values play a pivotal role in defining your character, shaping your personal identity, and providing a sense of purpose and direction. They are the foundation of your ethical and moral compass, guiding you through life’s challenges and dilemmas.

[Meghan] When your actions and behaviors are in alignment with your personal core values, you are more likely to experience fulfillment, contentment, and peace.

Conversely, when your life choices do not align with these values, it can lead to dissatisfaction, confusion, and regret.

Consequences of Unaligned Personal Core Values

[Theresa] Exactly! This was my problem.

Early in my small business journey, I didn’t give much thought to personal core values. But naturally, as a new mother, the decisions I made in business and life were run through the lens of family.

But later on, as my children became more independent and I gained influence and authority in my space, I stopped taking my personal values into consideration as I made business decisions. As a result, my actions were in direct conflict with them.

In other words, my behavior didn’t align with my personal core values, which had consequences like:

  • Massive stress
  • Work felt hard
  • Tasks felt cumbersome
  • Lack of productivity
  • Procrastination
  • Unhappiness
  • More worry
  • Less money
  • Fewer results for the effort
  • Decision fatigue

And it’s not surprising this happened. Had you asked me back then what my values were, I couldn’t have articulated them well.

Once I understood what I stood for and why it mattered, things got a lot easier.

Personal Core Values and Productivity

[Meghan] That makes sense. Your values provide clarity and guidance in all aspects of your life, both personal and professional.

[Theresa] That’s right. Personal core values are the cornerstone of authentic living. There are tremendous benefits to living in alignment with your core values. Not only will you be happier overall, but business gets lighter and easier because productivity improves.

[Meghan] Let’s talk about a few ways personal core values improve productivity and even your marketing.

Guides Decision Making

[Theresa] One way personal core values improve productivity – and even your marketing – is in decision-making.

When your actions align with your core values, decision-making becomes smoother and faster. You’re able to more easily identify the best path forward because you have a clear set of principles guiding your choices.

For example, one of my personal core values is freedom and flexibility. And I run everything I do in my business as well as collaborations I’m asked to partner on through this lens.

It helps me say yes to the right things and say no to everything else.

Reduces Stress and Burnout

[Meghan] Reducing stress and burnout is another way personal core values improve productivity.

When your work and actions are misaligned with your values, you will end up doing things that don’t feel good or seem harder than they should. This will make your work feel heavy and difficult while making you feel unhappy and resentful—all things that lead to stress and burnout.

By staying true to your values, you can prevent this from happening. This will help you maintain a healthier, more sustainable level of productivity. And, you’ll have more energy to devote to your tasks, including your marketing!

Improves Time Management

[Theresa] Surprisingly, understanding your personal core values also improves your time management.

By understanding your values, you can better prioritize your time. You’ll be more likely to focus on tasks that align with your values, and less likely to waste time on activities that don’t contribute to your value-driven goals.

Your Personal Core Values

[Meghan] At this point, you may be wondering about your own personal core values. We’re going to share with you a process you can use to uncover them in just a minute.

But before we get started, I’ll mention here that less is more. You’re not looking for 20 core values. Rather you should have between three and five of them.

[Theresa] Absolutely! We are talking about core values. These are the values that drive other values.

For example, my core values are:

  • Freedom and flexibility
  • Continued learning
  • Simplicity
  • Creativity
  • Happiness

This doesn’t mean that I don’t value family. But rather these values guide me in how I function within my family domain. For example, my freedom and flexibility are important because it allows me to spend time with my family. The time I spend with family contributes to my value of happiness.

So, again, choose between three and five core values. Keep this in mind as you move forward.

How To Uncover Your Personal Core Values

[Meghan] Alright. Now that we’re clear on how many personal core values you should uncover, let’s move on to a process you can use as you embark on this path.

[Theresa] Discovering what you value at your core is a journey of introspection and self-discovery. It’s not something you pull out of thin air or pick from a list.

[Meghan] Although, if you need a little help, you can find a list of core values on Google to get started. Take notes as you discover more about your values, and write down the ones that most resonate with you. Then use the following process to whittle that list down.

1) Reflect on Peak Experiences

[Theresa] Okay, step one is to reflect on your peak experiences. Think about the moments in your life when you felt truly happy, proud, or fulfilled.

Consider these questions:

  • What were you doing?
  • Who were you with?
  • What values were you upholding during these moments?

2) Consider Your Heroes

[Meghan] Step two is to consider your heroes. Identify individuals you admire greatly. They could be historical figures, public personalities, colleagues, family members, or friends.

Ask yourself:

  • What characteristics or values do they embody that resonate with you?

3) Evaluate Your Choices

[Theresa] Step three is to evaluate your choices. Reflect on major decisions you’ve made in your life.


  • What drove those decisions?
  • What values were you prioritizing or defending?

4) Identify What Makes You Uncomfortable

[Meghan] Step four is to identify what makes you uncomfortable. Personal discomfort can often signal a clash with your core values. If certain behaviors or situations make you uncomfortable or upset, consider what values they might be conflicting with.

Ask yourself:

  • What about this situation makes me uncomfortable?
  • What feeling or value does it work against?

5) Write a Personal Manifesto

[Theresa] Step five is to create a personal manifesto. This is a document where you lay out what matters most to you in life, what kind of person you aspire to be, and how you want to interact with the world.

Writing such a narrative can help you identify the values that are most important to you.

6) Continually Refine Your Personal Core Values

[Meghan] At this point, you should have a good handle on what you value most. But you’re not done yet. And you’ll never really be “done” because discovering your core values is not a one-time event but an ongoing process.

[Theresa] Exactly! As you go through life, your experiences may refine your understanding of your values. Allow yourself to continually reflect on and refine them.

Enjoy the process of discovery and rediscovery. It’ll keep you on track to achieve great things!

Embracing Your Journey: Cultivating Your Personal Core Values

[Meghan] As we reach the end of our exploration into the world of personal core values, don’t ever forget that this is a deeply personal and ongoing journey. It’s about discovering who you truly are, what you stand for, and what brings genuine happiness and fulfillment into your life.

And, as such, these things spill over into your business and even into your marketing. Consumers want to know that the people and companies they are doing business with share similar values. So, the exercises and advice in this episode extend beyond productivity and marketing. Your values make a difference in your personal life and can even affect the success of your business these days!

You Can’t Get This Wrong

[Theresa] There’s no right or wrong here, only what’s true for you. This is a process and not a destination. Allow yourself to grow and evolve, and your understanding of your core values will do the same.

Your life is dynamic, and change is a constant part of your existence. There might be times when you question your values, or they may conflict with each other in certain situations. That’s perfectly okay and a normal part of this journey. Embrace these moments as opportunities for learning and self-growth.

[Meghan] Of course, having the roadmap to discovering your core values won’t do you any good unless you do the work. So, we encourage you to set some time aside and schedule it on your calendar. Consider it an act of self-care. When I first wrote my values manifesto, I considered it a marketing and branding task!

[Theresa] And as you move forward, keep your core values close to your heart. Let them illuminate your path, guide your actions, and shape your goals.

You’ll find that when your life and business are aligned with your values, it’s not only more meaningful but also more productive and satisfying.

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About the author 

Theresa Cifali

Hi there! I’m a Productivity Strategist and Business Coach with over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience. I understand the struggles you face with being truly productive, managing your time, and feeling accomplished. That’s why my mission is to help you achieve your goals by teaching you how to identify the right actions to take in your business so you can have more happiness and prosperity.

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