October 18, 2023

3 Ways to Improve Focus So You Get More Done in Less Time | Ep. #103


Are you able to concentrate on the task that’s in front of you? Or do you feel distracted, scattered, and totally unproductive most of the time? If you’re in the distracted camp, then it’s time to improve focus. So, keep reading to discover three strategies to get better at paying attention so you save time and get more done.

[Theresa] Meghan and I often talk about setting goals and focusing on the work that matters to achieving them. It’s a basic principle of doing less to achieve more. But even if you’re super clear on what you want to accomplish and the action steps you need to take a lack of focus can hinder progress.

If you don’t take steps to improve focus and protect it there are consequences.

[Meghan] Improving focus is a topic we’ve covered before, actually. It was way, way back in Episode 10 when Theresa and I were just baby podcasters! Back then we shared a few tips to improve focus. It was a list of what you should and shouldn’t do.

However, today we are going to take a different approach.

[Theresa] That’s right. Instead of general tips, we are sharing some strategies for improving your focus so you can put your time and attention on what really matters.

When practiced, individually or together, they’ll help you improve your concentration over time.

Why It’s Necessary to Improve Focus

[Meghan] Improving your focus isn’t a “nice to have.” That is to say, it’s not really optional. It’s a necessity if you want to make substantial progress on your business initiatives. Whether you’re working on marketing, client deliverables, or admin work, these things require your full attention—especially when you want to get them done quickly and accurately.

And that can be hard when distractions and disruptions easily interrupt you. There are so many external things vying for your eyeballs.

[Theresa] Oh! So many shiny objects. But keep in mind that your distractions aren’t always external. You also have internal distractions. Meaning your brain should be paying attention to “this” but instead it’s busy thinking of “that.”

For example, you should keep your mind on the sales page copy you’re writing, but your brain interrupts you with thoughts about what to make for dinner.

No matter what type of distractions you struggle with, internal or external, not getting a handle on it can cause consequences like:

  • Missing deadlines
  • Low-quality work
  • Added stress and anxiety
  • Feeling discouraged and unproductive
  • Having to redo work
  • Wasting so much time

[Meghan] UGH! You know that last one really makes me cringe. I hate wasting time! But there’s good news.

While you can’t prevent all the distractions all of the time, you do have some control over quite a bit.

So, let’s get into the ways you can improve focus to make better, faster progress.

3 Ways to Improve Focus for Better Productivity

1) Leverage Productivity Tools to Improve Focus

[Theresa] The first way you can improve focus is to leverage productivity tools.

A good combination of productivity tools should help you plan your day-to-day tasks, stay on track, and keep your attention on the priorities — all without causing overwhelm.

[Meghan] Right. When it comes to using productivity tools to improve focus, less is going to be more. The key is to find the tools that are a good fit for you. This is a highly personalized endeavor.

[Theresa] For example, my team and I use Monday.com for project management. Meghan can’t stand it. It just doesn’t jive with the way her brain works. And that’s OK.

The moral of the story is this — find the tools that work best for you.

[Meghan] So true! Simplicity is a good rule of thumb here. If a tool is complicated to use or doesn’t make sense for the way you think, you won’t use it. It will become a barrier to getting work done. You’ll waste time, money, or both trying to force it.

So, don’t do that! That’s not going to help you improve focus.

[Theresa] I love simplicity. Again, less is more. The simple combination of an easy-to-use project management tool, a digital calendar, and a timer app can do the trick to keep you focused on your daily priorities.

For example, combine Trello, Google Calendar, and the Focus Keeper app to help you manage tasks so you know what to do, when to do it, and how long to do it for.

[Meghan] Using a trio of productivity tools such as these will help you exercise your focus muscles. Over time, you’ll find yourself becoming more effective and efficient.

2) Declutter Your Space to Improve Focus

[Theresa] The next way to improve focus is to declutter your space. This is a very low-tech strategy.

I know that a bunch of you are about ready to check out on us because you will swear up, down, and sideways that a messy space doesn’t mess with your ability to focus.

[Meghan] And we know, the name of our podcast is, literally, The Messy Desk podcast. But don’t be fooled by our metaphor. Embracing messy moments in business and living in physical clutter is not the same thing!

Cluttered spaces can do more harm than good. I’ve noticed the mess can impede my work and subconsciously affect my progress.

[Theresa] The research seems to agree. According to Dr. Libby Sander, our physical environment can affect not only our ability to focus, but our decision-making, stress levels, and even our relationships with those around us.

Add some digital clutter to the mix, and these consequences can be exponentially worse.

[Meghan] While decluttering can seem like an overwhelming task, it doesn’t have to be. It took more than a day to make the mess and it’s going to take more than a day to clean it up. The trick is to start small. Break up the bigger job of tidying into shorter, smaller tasks.

Declutter Your Way to Better Focus

[Theresa] Here are a few ideas for some quick tidying. Set a timer for 10 minutes and:

  • Quickly sort through any stacks of papers or documents on your desk. Recycle unneeded ones and keep important ones to file later
  • Remove any unnecessary files or icons from your computer’s desktop
  • Unsubscribe from newsletters, promotional emails, or notifications you no longer find valuable
  • Choose one drawer in your desk or workspace. Empty it, throw away or recycle items you don’t need, and then return only the essential items neatly
  • Do a quick clean-up of your primary cloud storage by deleting clearly old or irrelevant files
  • Go through old pens and throw away any that don’t work

Embrace the mindset of small steps and carve out those few minutes a day to take back your space. You’ll feel lighter and less burdened.

[Meghan] Most importantly, your neater space will help you improve focus so that you can get work done.

3) Use a System Like “One Focused Hour” to Improve Focus

[Theresa] Finally, the last strategy is something I created myself. It’s called the One Focused Hour System. It’s a time-management strategy and simplification tool that will help you focus on the work that matters in the moment.

Originally, I designed it to help me accomplish two things:

  1. Get better at planning my tasks before I sat down to work
  2. Break big tasks down into smaller, more manageable pieces

While the advanced planning and smaller tasks made it easier to start, it was still a challenge to stay focused.

I solved that by adding two easy-to-do steps that created the environment I needed to keep my attention in the moment and on the task at hand.

[Meghan] I love this so much! Focus, time management, and productivity all go hand in hand. They work together! So, it’s awesome that Theresa has addressed them all with a system. You know I love a good framework to follow!
One Focused Hour System

[Theresa] I agree that frameworks are really helpful!

How the One Focused Hour System Works

In the end, I landed on a process that can help you be more productive while improving focus in three simple steps:

  1. Create Your Game Plan: This step is all about breaking big tasks into small steps and planning in advance.
  2. Build Your Fortress: This step is about creating a focused environment by minimizing distractions and creating consistency.
  3. Dive Into Action: This step is all about staying focused within short time blocks. It utilizes a modified Pomodoro Technique.

[Meghan] So, Theresa uncovered a method to work more effectively and efficiently—and she’s sharing it with you! How fantastic is that? Now, the question is: how can you get a hold of Theresa’s One Focused Hour System?

[Theresa] You can download your copy of the One Focused Hour System here or read more about it on my blog.

I wish there was more time to dive into this process because I love talking about this stuff. But the most important takeaway here is that using a system like One Focused Hour will help you to improve focus overall over time.

In other words, you’ll start to notice that your concentration will get better whether you use this system or not simply by practicing it.

[Meghan] That is super helpful! Who doesn’t want that?

The Power of Small Steps in Boosting Focus

Alright, as we wrap up, let’s remember that change doesn’t happen overnight. As the saying goes, don’t bite off more than you can chew. To improve focus and productivity, make small adjustments and do them consistently over time.

[Theresa] True. You don’t have to implement everything we shared today. Just choose one thing you’ve learned and start there.

Whether you decide to declutter your space, choose one productivity tool to try or test out the One Focused Hour System, starting with one small action can lead to profound shifts in your daily routine.

The journey to increased productivity and focus is just that—a journey. And every journey begins with that first step.

[Meghan] So, challenge yourself by committing to trying one thing. It’s not about perfection, but progress. And progress does take time—even though we want it to go fast!

[Theresa] Just keep moving forward a little bit every day. You’ve totally got this!

Thanks for listening today. We truly hope we’ve not only given you something to think about and have inspired you to take action.

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About the author 

Theresa Cifali

Hi there! I’m a Productivity Strategist and Business Coach with over 30 years of entrepreneurial experience. I understand the struggles you face with being truly productive, managing your time, and feeling accomplished. That’s why my mission is to help you achieve your goals by teaching you how to identify the right actions to take in your business so you can have more happiness and prosperity.

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