Every small business owner goes through times of doubt, frustration, and feelings of negativity. But to be a truly successful business owner, having the ability to challenge those negative thoughts and to understand why a positive attitude matters, so you can be more successful in business, is vital.
In that spirit, we’re going to examine why it’s essential to have a positive attitude in business, and what you can tell yourself whenever negative thoughts do pop up.
[00:54] Your attitude is everything
[01:47] How negative thoughts affect the entrepreneur
[05:05] How to change your limiting beliefs
[07:38] #1: A positive attitude allows you to take risks
[08:35] #2: A positive attitude means mistakes won’t overwhelm you
[09:15] #3: A positive attitude increases productivity
[10:07] #4: A positive attitude eliminates procrastination
[11:12] Final thoughts about why a positive attitude matters
[12:22] Bloopers
Your Attitude is Everything
[Theresa] Hey Meghan. I’m honestly looking forward to our discussion today. Attitude is everything and having a positive one can make a huge difference in both your personal and professional life.
[Meghan] It sure can. We’ve spoken about mindset many times both on and off this podcast.
In Episode 6, I shared my feelings about the whole mindset thing when I first started my business. Before becoming an entrepreneur, the idea of concentrating on my mindset seemed laughable. I eventually learned how wrong I was! I understand now how important mindset and attitude are to success, confidence, and even beliefs.
How Negative Thoughts Affect the Entrepreneur
[Theresa] It is important. What we’re thinking affects everything from how we feel physically to how successful we’ll be. Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” And it’s true.
You know, you’re not truly in control of very much, but you can control the thoughts going through your head. Negative thoughts and self-talk are debilitating to an entrepreneur.
I’ve been in that headspace many times. Something would go wrong and I’d tell myself I was stupid and I didn’t know what I was doing. I’d compare myself to another entrepreneur and think, “Who do you think you are? You’re not nearly as good as them!”
And I said worse things to myself. The thoughts were always there. Those thoughts crippled me, kept me small, and prevented me from earning the income I deserved from my business. I felt unworthy.
[Meghan] Oh yeah, the “I’m not good enough” belief that so many entrepreneurs struggle with! I know it well.
[Theresa] It was a horrible, self-perpetuating cycle that led to feelings of depression. I was physically drained all of the time. It felt like I’d been through a couple of rounds with a prizefighter.
It’s happened to you, Meghan, and I’m sure our listeners can relate. You think mean things about yourself, are antagonistic, and downright hostile. Then you wonder why you stay stuck and aren’t experiencing the success you want. It doesn’t feel good at all, but yet we do it.
Think about it. If you spoke to other people the way you speak to yourself, how many friends do you imagine you’d have?
If you spoke to other people the way you speak to yourself, how many friends do you imagine you’d have?
[Meghan] Not many, I’d imagine. You know, when you’re in the online space, there are haters and people who are just super mean and malicious. So, when people ask me about that aspect, I always say that the things I’ve said to myself are worse than anything anyone could ever say to me. I’ve been that hard on myself in the past.
But the fact is, when you’re telling yourself negative things, you’re essentially acting as your own personal bully. Keep that up, and you’ll find yourself in the exact same place a year from now. You’ll hold yourself back and sabotage your own success.
But, you have the ability to change your thoughts. And you can start that change any time you want. But you must begin by becoming aware of your thoughts about yourself.
[bctt tweet=”When you’re telling yourself negative things, you’re essentially acting as your own personal bully. You’ll hold yourself back and sabotage your own success. But, you have the ability to change your thoughts. And you can start that change any time you want.” username=”@MeghanMonaghan1″]
[Theresa] That’s right. You can’t change anything until you acknowledge it first. Banishing your negative thoughts and self-talk takes time and it takes practice. Eventually, you’ll get really good at this process that I’ll share in a minute.
I want to note here that negative thoughts are a part of life. They don’t completely go away, but when you master this process, you’ll recognize when it’s happening much faster and be able to change those thoughts more quickly as well.
How to Change Your Limiting Beliefs
[Meghan] Negative thoughts are born from limiting beliefs.
What is a limiting belief? A limiting belief is a thought that keeps you from reaching your full potential. It prevents you from growing and taking actions that otherwise you would take.
When something happens to trigger a limiting belief you have, the negative thoughts are primed to enter your head. They can stop you in your tracks.
But you absolutely have the power to change the negative thoughts into positive ones.
Here’s what you do:
- Become aware of your negative thought.
- Ask yourself if it’s true.
- Identify where that thought came from.
- Reframe the thought.
[Theresa] Let’s say you were a coach wanting to raise your rates.
You have wanted to raise your rates, but instead of doing so you grapple with this negative thought: “No one will pay me that, I’m not good enough.”
First, acknowledge that thought. Don’t beat yourself up for having it. Just let it be what it is.
Next, ask yourself, “Is it true?” Well, of course, it’s not true. There are tons of coaches out there with less experience who command higher rates.
Once you’ve determined that it’s not true, identify where that thought came from. Maybe you grew up in a home where there were limiting beliefs about money. Or perhaps a respected mentor shared an opinion about what coaches should charge.
Whatever it is, you’ll most likely notice that the limiting belief was spawned by someone else’s thoughts or actions.
Finally, reframe the thought to something more positive. Instead of replaying the negative thought:
“No one will pay me that, I’m not good enough.”
Change it to:
“I have years of experience in my field, and I’ve made a difference for my clients. I am worth whatever price I wish to charge.”
Can you see how this reframe would positively affect your attitude?
[Meghan] Absolutely. The reframe is key.
To have more success in business and life you must be positive. Just as negative thinking hinders you, positive thinking helps.
People hate to hear this, but your attitude ultimately is your choice. Let’s talk about why having a positive attitude matters.
Reasons Why You Need a Positive Attitude in Business
Reason #1: A Positive Attitude Allows You to Take Risks
[Theresa] Having a positive attitude allows you to take risks. If you’re continually stuck in a vortex of doubt and negative emotions, you’ll be far less likely to take risks in your business.
You’ll want to play it safe by doing what you always do; and in doing so, you’ll likely miss out on huge opportunities for growth in your business.
However, if you change your frame of mind from one of fear to one of hope and positivity, you’ll start to realize that taking risks really isn’t so scary after all!
Here’s a reframe for you, if you’ve been playing it safe due to negative thoughts:
“If I don’t take risks, I’ll never see my true potential fulfilled. I would rather take risks and fail than someday regret playing it too safe.”
Reason #2: A Positive Attitude Means Mistakes Won’t Overwhelm You
[Meghan] A positive attitude also helps when you’re confronted with mistakes. Your positive frame of mind means that mistakes won’t overwhelm you. Having a growth mindset in business makes a big difference in how you see and interact with the world.
Rather than seeing mistakes or failures as reasons to give up, you’ll see them as opportunities to learn and grow.
Instead of telling yourself those negative thoughts like you’ll never succeed, your positive attitude will make it possible to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and be excited about trying again!
Reason #3: A Positive Attitude Increases Productivity
[Theresa] While maintaining a positive attitude certainly feels good, does it actually contribute to your business’s bottom line? Heck, yeah! Your positive attitude helps you be more productive.
Don’t just take my word for it though. Researchers at the University of Warwick found happy people were around 12% more productive.
Of course, simply having a positive outlook won’t mean you’re always happy. But it will definitely be more effective than letting your negative thoughts run wild!
You can actually get more work done simply by adopting a positive attitude. This is an easy way you can impact the success of your business.
Reason #4: A Positive Attitude Eliminates Procrastination
[Meghan] Okay, let’s talk about the last reason why a positive attitude matters so much.
When you’re full of self-doubt, it’s easy to put off tasks and projects you know you should be doing. But a positive attitude will help you kick procrastination to the curb!
Staying negative prevents you from moving forward and keeps you from making progress. Negativity keeps you stuck – incapacitated by your fear of doing something imperfectly.
But when you get used to seeing the bright side of things, those feelings of overwhelm gradually start to be replaced by feelings of energy, motivation, and inspiration. Those positive emotions lead you to tackle difficult tasks with courage and energy.
Remember this positive mantra and say it in your head over and over again: “done is better than perfect!”
In other words, a task may be hard, but you can do it. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It just has to be done!
Final Thought About Why a Positive Attitude Matters
[Theresa] Now you see why a positive attitude matters in your life and business.
Maintaining a positive attitude is a decision – it’s not something that just happens by accident.
So, this week, make a commitment to adopt a positive frame of mind and to intentionally see the bright side of things.
Then come back and let us know what this does for your business!
[Meghan] Please leave a comment below and suggest a topic for us to discuss. If we read your comment on our podcast, we’ll send you a $20 Amazon gift card!