There’s never a shortage of marketing tactics available! So, in this episode, we’re talking about the marketing changes we’re making this year and some of the strategies and tactics on our to-do list.
[Meghan] Well, last year I was pretty much defunct as far as marketing goes. But this year, I’ve got plans!
[Theresa] Me too!

[Meghan] So, we thought it would be helpful to share those marketing plans with you. In episode 64, we outlined a three-step process for how to choose marketing tactics, so be sure to check that out.
[Theresa] Yeah, this episode sort of piggybacks on that one since we’re sharing our tactics and how we arrived at these choices.
So, if you’re not sure what marketing tactics to implement this year, this episode will give you some information and inspiration.
1) Content Marketing and SEO: Back to Blogging and Podcasting
[Meghan] Okay, so first and foremost, this year is about returning to some of the old trusted strategies and tactics.
[Theresa] Oh yes, the oldies but goodies!
[Meghan] What’s old seems like it’s new again this year! Marketing experts are talking a lot about SEO (search engine optimization) again, and how important it is for lead generation and sales.
Of course, content marketing goes hand in hand with SEO in many ways. And, for me, SEO and content marketing have never gone out of style. So, I’m returning to regular blogging and podcasting (obviously, right? Cuz here we are lol).

[Theresa] Right, haha! As for content and SEO, that’s no surprise. Those are Meghan’s jam. She loves blogging! Plus, she’s the main reason I’ve kept up with my blog over the years. Embracing my inner marketer, for that matter.
[Meghan] I’m so happy to see Theresa still blogging.
And you know blogging still has tons of benefits, like being one of the top ways to:
- rank higher in search engines (which helps people discover you) and
- connect with your audience to help drive conversions (like booking a consultation or opting in to a lead magnet and becoming a customer).
Plus, I love that you can repurpose blog content into scripts for podcasts and videos and into social media posts. Blogging is great as an Authority Hub, which just means the home base for your authoritative content.

[Theresa] We’ve already covered a lot about blogging in previous episodes, so we’ll link to other episodes below:
Does Your Business Need a Blog? Ep. 12
5 Reasons to Start a Blog to Maximize Content Marketing Productivity Ep. 70
[Meghan] I could go on forever about blogging!
However, let’s talk about podcasting for a minute. It’s massively growing in popularity, but – and this is really critical – podcasting is still what marketers call a “blue ocean.” In other words, there’s still room to compete, shine, and maybe even dominate for your area of expertise unlike blogging, which is much more competitive.

On the flip side, blogging as a tactic is a red ocean since all the sharks have been feeding for years! There are over 600 million blogs whereas there are less than 3 million podcasts. (source) Plus, side note: podcasting is good for SEO too.
[Theresa] And, podcasting is becoming trendier and helps to boost your influence. Overall, it’s still a great time to start a podcast.
Check out episode #32 to help you decide whether a blog, podcast, or vlog is right for you.
We recognized the value of podcasting, and that’s one of the reasons we decided to return to it.
[Meghan] So, since we’re now podcasting every other week, my plan is to publish a blog post on the weeks we’re not releasing an episode. That way, people hear from me on a weekly basis. This schedule seems manageable.
Would I love to blog more than that? Yes! But, if I tackled more, then I would fall behind and end up stopping or missing my goal to stay consistent.
[Theresa] Right, it’s important to pay attention to commitments and choose to market in a manageable, sustainable way to avoid getting discouraged.
[Meghan] Exactly. The thing is, we already have a podcast and I already have a blog. I’m purposely choosing two marketing tactics that are proven to work and that I love and know how to do. In my opinion, this is a smart decision for my marketing strategy as well as my workload and productivity.
[Theresa] That’s true. Your marketing decisions aren’t only about your business goals. You’ve got to consider your bandwidth and your capabilities. Which leads me to one of my marketing tactics for 2023.
2) Networking: Growing the Spheres of Influence
Business networking has been a consistent marketing tactic for me back as far as I can remember. In my early days as a professional craft designer in the Craft and Hobby Industry, pre World Wide Web, mind you, I built my entire business through networking.
Though I’m now in the business coaching industry, networking continues to be the main avenue to clients and opportunities.
We spoke at length about the many benefits of business networking back in Episode 77, so I won’t go into great detail here.
But I do want to point out that by networking, I’m not talking about heading to an event and mindlessly passing out business cards. That approach doesn’t work.
What does work is relational networking. This is the building of strategic relationships with others. Authentically connecting with specific people to build that know, like, and trust factor so that they will refer you to their trusted sources.

[Meghan] That’s an important distinction to make. People can tell when you’re more concerned about yourself and your own needs versus when you’re focused on building a relationship.
[Theresa] Suffice it to say, networking is a marketing tactic that works for me, so I’m continuing with this strategy this year. But I’m upping my game with better follow up and follow through.
[Meghan] Make sense. Building trusted relationships does require good follow-up.
3) Lead Generation and List Building: Using a Custom or Interactive Lead Magnet
You know, when I think of following up, I also think about ways to generate more leads and prospects. And that’s a nice segue into my next marketing tactic, and it’s a new one for me.
This year, I’m using an automated tool to generate custom website audits as a lead magnet.

The tool helps me deliver some of my content services, and it also offers a lead generation widget. Basically, the widget goes on my website and generates a personalized website report in exchange for an email.
[Theresa] I like the concept of a lead magnet being custom to each prospect. There’s so much more value in that.
[Meghan] You know, this method of lead generation isn’t new. Marketing agencies use these techniques to get website and SEO clients. I’m not an agency, but some of my services are similar. So, I thought I’d give this a try as a way to differentiate myself from my competition.
[Theresa] Oh, that’s a great idea! Position yourself in a different way through your lead magnet. I’m so curious to see how this works out!

[Meghan] Obviously, this particular widget tactic is not a fit for most. But there are other similar options, such as interactive quizzes, online calculators, or even custom apps. Since these interactive lead generation tools deliver more custom results to each prospect, people are more inclined to exchange their email address for the info.
And, I love that these tools can also give you more targeted leads, better segmentation, and more data about your audience. But that’s a conversation for a different day!
[Theresa] Definitely more than we have time for today.
[Meghan] It’s getting so challenging to get people to give you their email address. Consumers aren’t as interested in generic eBooks and mini courses. They want a fast, easy transformation from your lead magnet. So, that’s my goal with this change.
4) Speaking as a Tool for List Building and Lead Generation
[Theresa] Talking about change…I’m only making a small tweak to my marketing plan that I believe will yield big results this year.
And that’s to add speaking engagements to my toolbox of marketing tactics.

My business coach suggested this idea for me. And, I often hear from other coaching colleagues how speaking has helped to bring in clients.
I love to teach and train, and already do quite a bit of it on my own. So, it’s really a no brainer.
However, there’s a fair amount of pre-work to do, so we’re putting some processes in place with the intention of going full steam ahead on this in the second quarter.
[Meghan] Speaking is so perfect for Theresa since she’s great at it and it aligns well with her products and services. It’s smart of her to delay it to the second quarter, too.
She already spends time consistently blogging, sending emails, and networking. Now she’s got re-launching the podcast with me this quarter, which is a new commitment on her calendar.
[Theresa] By waiting until next quarter to implement the new marketing tactic, I’ll reduce the risk of overwhelm. And, I can devote more attention to speaking engagement efforts when I’m ready.
5) Email Marketing: Sending a Monthly Newsletter
[Meghan] I’m so glad you mentioned overwhelm since my next marketing tactic is one that I’m modifying so that I can manage it.
In theory, I’ll be generating more leads with my new website widget tool. What am I going to do with those leads? There has to be a follow up plan otherwise there’s no purpose in getting people to download a free website report.
[Theresa] Yeah, your work with lead generation doesn’t end with the freebie. That’s just the first step!
[Meghan] Yep! It’s a lot of work. Marketing is not quick and easy. Plus, there are loads of options in front of you.
I’ve decided to build an email marketing campaign for those who sign up for the free report. This is actually going to be a work in progress throughout the year. I’ll start with bare bones then build up with case studies and blog posts to support the customer journey.

[Theresa] It’s another example of embracing the messy moments! Imperfect action is better than perfect inaction.
[Meghan] If I overthink it, I’ll get overwhelmed and quit. So, my approach is to start small.
After the campaign (which is probably going to be more like a sales funnel), I’ll tackle starting a monthly newsletter for regular communication. Weekly would be better only because when people don’t know you they forget who you are. You run the risk of losing momentum. However, I’ve already got a whopper of a to-do list, both professionally and personally. I can’t commit to weekly emails yet.
[Theresa] Smart! Knowing your limitations, setting boundaries, and working within set parameters are all ways to manage your time and stay focused on what matters. Makes sense!
[Meghan] Email marketing and sales funnels are old marketing tactics. These are by no means cutting edge. But, it’s been a few years since I built a sales funnel for my business or emailed my list regularly. I’ve been generating business through referrals and networking. So, email marketing won’t exactly be new, but it’s new for what I’m doing now.
Modern Alternatives to Email Marketing

And, I’ll add that some of the more more modern methods to communicate with your audience include text messaging and website push notifications. But I haven’t invested in these tactics, and I don’t have direct experience implementing them. So, they aren’t even a blip on my radar until the latter half of the year. However, you may want to consider these things if you think they align with you and your business.
[Theresa] Email marketing may be an old tactic, but it still works. And while newer strategies can be tempting, I think it’s a good idea to include at least one strategy in your marketing plan that’s tried and true.
And, as Meghan said, you could consider newer methods if it makes sense for you, but don’t try to implement too many tactics at once. You’ll be more successful if you focus your efforts on one marketing strategy or tactic and doing it well before adding another.
Should You Try New Marketing Tactics or Stick With What You Have?
[Meghan] So, the question we ask you is: will you be trying new marketing tactics and strategies this year? Or, are you sticking with what you’ve done?
For me, change is tough. My decisions this year came down to what’s working, what’s not working, and what tactics I can incorporate into my routine in a way that supports my business while not overwhelming me.
A big part of successful marketing is consistency, and I just haven’t been able to be consistent. And that’s because when my life dramatically changed, my marketing plan didn’t. So, it was time for a realistic and much needed adjustment!

[Theresa] I think Meghan is taking a smart approach to her marketing plan this year. There’s a key lesson in her words. And that’s to be honest with yourself as it relates to your resources — meaning your time, skill set, and revenue.
It’s ok to keep it simple, especially if you’re new to the marketing scene or you have a lot going on in whatever stage of life you’re in. You’re best off doing one marketing tactic really well rather than doing five of them poorly.
As for me? I’m focused on greater visibility this year. I need to get in front of people so they can get to know me. That’s what networking and speaking engagements will help me accomplish.
So, as you’re choosing your marketing strategies, keep your goals in mind.
[Meghan] Whatever marketing tactics you decide upon, there’s an important takeaway here. Choose tactics that fit into your schedule and that support your business goals. Otherwise, you’ll risk wasting time and creating a lot of frustration for yourself.
That’s it for this episode!
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