March 17, 2021

3 Content Topics for Lead Generation | Ep. #51


This week’s post focuses on content topics for lead generation so that you can attract more targeted prospects.

If you need a starting place with content creation or if you can’t seem to create content that resonates with your target market, check out these suggestions (including productivity tips).



[01:07] Introduction
[03:32] How-to content
[05:55] Answers to questions
[07:37] Product reviews/demos/comparisons
[08:51] Next steps and productivity tips
[10:09] The missing piece: emotional connection
[11:44] Bloopers


[Meghan] According to an Semrush survey from last year, the top content marketing challenges were creating content that generates quality leads and creating content that attracts more traffic.

Many marketers deal with these struggles, especially those folks who, like you, are managing marketing on their own.

top content marketing challenges 2020 by Semrush
The top content marketing challenges per Semrush’s survey results.


[Theresa] Right. It becomes that battle between keeping your head above water with your content marketing and actually creating effective content.

You know, you can barely keep up with the demands of business because you’re running in so many directions. Then content becomes another distraction.

[Meghan] True. Your focus becomes churning out content versus producing the right content to attract good leads and website visitors.

That’s why you need a content strategy and an editorial calendar. These two things really help you get a grip on your content by helping you to choose more targeted topics that align with your business goals.

Need help getting started with your blog, vlog, or podcast? Check out this free workbook on content strategy.

[Theresa] You may not realize the negative effect that not planning your content has on your productivity. But approaching content creation, management, and promotion without planning leads to a lot of wasted time.

And you know what? It also leads to more stress. Creating content at the last minute is bound to happen, but it’s not sustainable long term.

[Meghan] Which is why you have a strategy and a calendar…to plan your content, which in turn plans your workload, helps plan your day, and increases your productivity.

So, to get more leads and website visitors, you’ve got to create content around the topics that attract the people who are interested.

[Theresa] Knowing those content topics or subjects isn’t always easy though!

So, today we’re sharing three content topics for lead generation that are great if you’re new at content marketing or if your existing content isn’t doing well.

Stick around until the end because I’ll be giving you suggestions for managing your productivity related to content creation so you know the next steps. Let’s get started!

Not sure what to talk about to get more leads? Give one of these topics a try! #contentmarketingClick To Tweet

1) How-to Content

[Meghan] Okay, first up is “how to” content. A huge portion of people search online to find out how to do something. You’ve probably searched for how-to info many times! For example, “how to make gluten-free bread.”

How-to content is really popular on search engines, and in fact, YouTube is referred to as “YouTube University” since so many people use it to find how-to content.

how-to content topics for lead generation
People love how-to content and it’s good for business too!

There’s a good chance that your market is looking for how-to content. So, that’s one good thing about this category of content.

But it also helps you as a brand. How-to content shows off your knowledge, which proves your expertise and increases your authority. This increases people’s trust too. And, this type of content moves people along in the customer journey.  So, how-to content tends to perform well.

The bad news is that how-to content can attract the wrong people. So, here’s a pro tip for you.

The Key to Choosing an Effective How-to Subject

  1. prioritize the subjects that your target market desires most, and
  2. choose a subject that aligns with your products and services.

Get super specific.

how to choose how-to subjects for your content
It’s important to choose the right how-to subjects.

For example, if you stage houses for real estate agents, then skip the post about “How to Stage a Home to Sell Quickly.” That subject targets homeowners who want to DIY home staging, and they aren’t the target market.

Instead create a video about “How to Hire a Home Stager for Your Real Estate Business.” This subject pinpoints the right audience and attracts a target market that’s potentially looking to hire.

You have the ability to tailor your content to attract the right people! So, do a little research and strategizing to come up with really specific how-to content that speaks to your desired audience.

[Theresa] This is a common mistake, so I’m so glad that you shared that tip. It is crucial to understand who you are trying to attract. Only then can you make the right content for them. So, don’t skip the research and strategizing phase as Meghan mentioned.

2) Answers to Questions

[Meghan] Another topic that is good for catching the attention of your target market is answering those frequently asked questions in your area of expertise.

We’ve talked about this before, so I won’t spend too much time on this one. But, people spend a lot of time online researching before they buy. They’re asking those “W” questions: what, why, who, when, where, and which.

people research online before they buy
You want your content to catch the attention of people who are researching questions related to your niche.

For instance:

  • What is the best marketing funnel software?
  • Why should I buy an in-ground pool instead of an above-ground pool?
  • Who offers the best course in Microsoft Excel?

I’m certain that your potential buyers have some questions! The key is to choose your subject strategically.

The same rules apply here as with how-to content. Get super specific with your subject by focusing on what your customers and potential customers typically ask and what they should ask. And be sure the subject aligns with your business goals and offers.

Feel free to add a target market, a price qualifier, or a location to your subject.

For example, “what is the best marketing funnel software for digital marketing agencies” or “who offers the best Excel course in Houston.” It will really depend on your content goals and of course WHO you’re trying to attract.

Resources for Finding Frequently Asked Questions

  • Quora
  • AlsoAsked
  • Answer the Public
  • Google’s “People Also Ask” within the search results pages
  • Comments – yours and your competitors’ blog and social media
  • Real life – from your customers and interactions
  • Reviews – Amazon, course sites like Udemy

[Theresa] I’ll just add, if you have built an audience of your ideal buyer either via an email list or social media, a great way to know what questions they have is to just ask them. Keep those replies in a Google Doc or Sheet. Then you’ll have a repository of potential topics to create content around.

3) Product Reviews/Demos/Comparisons

[Meghan] Before people buy, they want to know more. And that brings us to the third content topic for lead generation and that is product reviews, demos, or comparisons.

What I love about this content is that it really appeals to people who are closer to being ready to buy. They’ve researched the problem and the solutions, so now it’s decision time for them.

reviews, demo, comparisons are good content topics for lead generation
Warmer prospects are looking for reviews, demos, and comparisons.

At this point, it’s up to you to provide a behind-the-scenes look at your product. Or, if you offer services, maybe you compare your business with the competition.

Share enough information to give people an understanding of your product and service plus its benefits and what differentiates your offer from the others.

The key with this topic is to combine facts with fun. People look to logic to support their decisions, but they buy on emotion. So, be entertaining, humorous, or creative to capture their attention and their hearts.

[Theresa] So good.

I’m going to emphasize here the importance of creating this type of content with your client or customer in mind. It’s not about you. It’s about them. So when you’re sharing benefits, that means you’re talking about how your product or service helps them. It’s not about sharing features.

Next Steps and a Few Productivity Tips for Managing Your Content Creation

[Theresa] So, hopefully you’ve got a few ideas brewing based on the content topics or themes that Meghan mentioned. That begs the question, “how should I get started?”

First, choose one content topic to start with. You don’t have to do all of them. It’s best to start small than to take on too much only to end up overwhelmed. Then nothing gets done.

Next, block some time on your calendar for content creation. Scheduling time in your week to do this will help you focus and save you time.

Then, get to work. Here are some tips to help you get organized:

  • Separate research and content creation steps
  • Organize your research into a list of possible topics to use later
  • Set a timer to limit your research effort
  • Start with one format – blog post then add a video later or vice versa

After you’ve done your research it’s time to start creating your content. Plan to do that over a couple of content creation blocks so you have time to outline, write and edit.

The Missing Piece: Emotional Connection

[Meghan] No matter what content you create, remember this: the biggest differentiation factor these days is Y.O.U. (Your Original Uniqueness). When you are your brand, then your personality, values, and message are magnets for your ideal audience. These things help you stand out.

topics that connect emotionally generate leads

While it’s critical to focus on what your customers care about and how that aligns with your goals, the missing piece for many is emotional connection. So, try to relate to others on a more personal level.

Use your content to emotionally connect with your audience. This humanizes your brand and helps to attract your tribe so that your marketing efforts are more relevant and targeted.

And, finally, knowing your ideal customer or avatar helps immensely with choosing content topics and subjects. But, if you don’t know your avatar yet, that’s okay! Don’t be afraid to try something and take some risks. Research and take action to discover and learn.

[Theresa] Well said! It can be scary to put yourself out there, but people are looking for authenticity, humanity, and transparency these days.

Thanks for stopping by, and please share this episode if you think it will help others.

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About the author 

Meghan Monaghan

Hello! I’m a Marketing Consultant who has over 25 years of hands-on marketing experience, a Master’s degree in Professional Writing, and several certifications in digital marketing. In 2022, Semrush and Buzzsumo identified me as one of the top 100 content marketers to follow. As a co-host of The Messy Desk Podcast, I share marketing advice that helps business owners overcome their struggles with lead generation and sales.

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