June 14, 2023

3 Pitfalls to Avoid When Using AI-Generated Content | Ep. #96


In this post, we share three big pitfalls that you could run into with AI-generated content and how to avoid them.

[Meghan] It seems as if everywhere I look everyone is talking about AI tools and the many ways to use them to support your business.

[Theresa] True! It’s a hot topic. And that’s because AI tools can be an effective way to increase productivity and make your marketing easier, especially when it comes to content creation.

[Meghan] Yes, writing is certainly an area where AI tools help. However, it turns out that there may be a few pitfalls or drawbacks to using AI generated content. So, we wanted to share those with you so that you’re aware and can take precautions.

photo - woman blended with AI symbols
Your AI content will need a human touch!

[Theresa] But first, a few disclaimers! This is not legal advice, and we are not lawyers or AI experts. We’re pointing out some potential red flags as we learn them. So, check with a lawyer or the appropriate professional as needed.

Also, and this is an understatement, AI is a rapidly evolving technology. Therefore, the information we’re sharing in this episode could be outdated soon as the AI advances and the landscape changes. We’re serious when we say constant updates. So, if you’re reading articles or watching YouTube videos, make sure you’re looking at the date the content was posted. You’ve been warned!

AI-Generated Content Pitfall #1: Ownership

[Meghan] The first possible pitfall when it comes to AI generated content is ownership. Who owns the rights to the textual content that AI tools like ChatGPT create?

You may have ownership rights, but it’s possible that the company or business behind the tool is the owner. And, what if you’re using AI prompts created by someone else? They may have rights too!

[Theresa] Remember that this is new, and there are different factors at play. The key takeaway here is not to assume that you own the exclusive rights to the content you’re creating with AI tools.

AI-generated content pitfalls - ownership

[Meghan] This is important because not having ownership could be detrimental to your business depending on how you’re using that AI-generated content.

For example, if you’re using an AI tool to create content for a client, ownership could be an issue. Your client may assume that what you’re creating is a 100% human-produced, original work. Somewhere down the road, that client could get into hot water with the content. Then they’ll come looking for you!

[Theresa] Or, ownership could also be an issue if you want to use AI to create an online course that you want to brand and sell. If it turns out you don’t have ownership of the content, what could that mean for you and your business?

First, check the terms and conditions of the AI content tools you’re using.

If the tool gives you ownership rights and you want to copyright the content, then talk to a specialist. AI-generated content can be copyrighted, but it has to meet certain criteria.

AI-generated content can be copyrighted but follow criteria closely

[Meghan] If the AI tool passes the ownership rights on to you, but you don’t need a copyright on the content, is there concern? It depends on what you’re creating and how you’re going to use it.

There are too many different scenarios to cover here, but hopefully we’ve offered you enough insight so that you’re aware about this potential issue.

AI-Generated Content Pitfall #2: Originality

[Theresa] The next potential pitfall is originality. Is the content created by AI original?

AI tools are usually trained using existing data and information. So, the content that’s created isn’t necessarily new or original.

[Meghan] So, AI-generated content may make it seem like you’re copying others or creating a derivative work.

AI-generated content pitfalls - originality

And, if the content that AI creates is too close to someone else’s work, you could have a copyright infringement or plagiarism problem on your hands.

And what about intellectual property? There’s that to consider too.

[Theresa] This means you want to be cautious when you use AI tools to write a blog post or eBook, develop a framework, or offer insights that you want to use as your own.

Plus, AI-generated content often sounds like what everyone else is producing. There’s no spark or genius. In other words, AI isn’t going to come up with a brilliant insight or an idea that’s unique.

[Meghan] And that’s a problem since your content marketing is meant to set you apart from competitors. If you’re blending in, then your content won’t be as impactful.

Your content should position you as an authority and express your unique personality and perspective to build trust with your audience. Sounding bland or like everyone else won’t differentiate your brand.

[Theresa] So, don’t rely on AI content tools to express originality. Use a plagiarism checker, like Copyscape. Also, add unique ideas, perspectives, experiences, and insights into your AI generated content.

AI content pitfall - plagiarism

[Meghan] And, to avoid sounding too much like a robot, inject personality and humanity into your AI content. In the show notes, I’ll link to my blog post with 11 suggestions on how to humanize your AI content.

One other tip: run your content through an AI detector tool, then go back and rewrite the sections that are too robotic.


AI-Generated Content Pitfall #3: Accuracy

[Meghan] The last pitfall is to check your AI-produced content for accuracy.

If the AI tool uses a source that is inaccurate, then the content you create may have wrong or misleading information. Plus, AI chatbots have been found to make up information or “hallucinate” as it’s called.

[Theresa] This is a known issue with AI. In fact, OpenAI and Google warn users that their chatbots possibly produce incorrect information. They are working to solve the problem.

But, in the meantime, while this issue gets sorted out, you don’t want to hurt your reputation by communicating inaccurate information. Your content marketing is meant to build trust and credibility. You definitely don’t want inaccuracies in your content.

AI-generated content pitfalls - accuracy

[Meghan] I’ve been trying out AI tools for content creation, and I’m occasionally running across inaccurate information. Another thing I run into is a lot of repetition. That’s different from inaccuracy, but we wanted to mention it since sloppy writing doesn’t send a good message.

[Theresa] It does not! Your content represents you and your brand. So, be sure to review any AI-generated content for accuracy. And, always edit. After all, these tools were not meant to replace you—at least, not yet!

Don’t Let These Pitfalls Keep You From Using AI Content Creation Tools

[Meghan] That’s right! These AI tools don’t take the place of a human, but they do help with marketing productivity. So, don’t let these pitfalls discourage you from using AI to help with writing and content creation.

AI content creation tools improve marketing productivity

[Theresa] Both of us use AI tools and think they are great for content creation-related tasks like:

  • Writing first drafts and outlines
  • Researching
  • Coming up with headlines, social media posts
  • Generating ideas
  • Transcribing audio

[Meghan] I’d love to add writing blog posts to that list! Unfortunately, I haven’t found an AI tool that meets my expectations when it comes to blogging. But, I’m still trying out new apps.

Anyway, creating content is a time-consuming task that AI can help with. Just remember the points we mentioned so that you don’t run into issues with your AI-generated content.

[Theresa] AI can be helpful or harmful, and now that you know about these pitfalls, hopefully you can take the precautions we shared.


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About the author 

Meghan Monaghan

Hello! I’m a Marketing Consultant who has over 25 years of hands-on marketing experience, a Master’s degree in Professional Writing, and several certifications in digital marketing. In 2022, Semrush and Buzzsumo identified me as one of the top 100 content marketers to follow. As a co-host of The Messy Desk Podcast, I share marketing advice that helps business owners overcome their struggles with lead generation and sales.

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